Monday, December 7, 2009

Want To Play An Instrument? Get Ready With 4 Tips

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Everyone knows that playing an instrument can be hard to do. That's why it is crucial, that if you want to be successful at learning to play an instrument, you begin doing a few things before you actually begin taking lessons. The first thing you should learn to do is to read music.

Whether you are learning to play the flute, the violin, or th piano, you will need to know how to read music. Most people learned the very basics of reading music at some point in school, but still may need a refresher course on the subject. So take a trip to your local library and get a book on the subject; it will make learning your instrument of choice much easier.

If you don't have a library card, or if you owe fees at your local library, then there are a number of websites that currently offer the tools that you need to learn to read. Youtube even has a number of videos on the web that offer a more interactive way to learn to read music.

Another thing that you should to get ready to learn to play a musical instrument is to find the correct instrument for you. Even if you have your heart set on playing the guitar you should also try out some other instruments just to be certain. You might consider trying the violin, the viola or even the harp. You may be able to try out different instruments at your local music store. If you can't, consider renting the instrument that you want to play before you purchase one. This will save you a lot of money in the long ring if you decide that it's not for you.

Take your time to also talk to musical instructors. You want the person teaching you to not only be good at playing their particular instrument, but good at teaching too. Interview plenty of people and get references before you settle on someone. After all, you are going to be investing time and money into this person so you had better be sure you are getting the most for your time and your money.

To find an instructor in your area you may want to start with your local yellow pages. If you can't find someone try searching the internet for instructors in your area. You can also try asking at your local music stores. The salespeople there should be able to point you in the right direction if nothing else.

You may also consider doing some research about the instrument that you want to play. Find out all that you can about your instrument before your first lesson. Explore the history of the instrument and find out where it came from. Ask other people who play that instrument if they have any tips for you as a beginner. You can also look online for tips from other musicians.

Finally, just relax and have fun. You can't take anything in life too seriously; the same is true for learning to play an instrument.

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